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Phil Brooke's Frontiersman Knife

Phil Brooke's Frontiersman Knife

Bison Bushcraft

Phil Brooke's Frontiersman Knife




We're really excited to offer the Frontiersman knife to our clients, this is a collaboration from myself and renowned Knife maker Roger Harrington. Using my concept, design and yew wood for the handle Roger has made a superb knife with specific tasks in mind. Ideal for Woodcraft, Bushcraft and Bowmaking the knife is durable and easy to maintain with the steel used being AEB-L. This is a fantastic modern tool steel in stainless thats still easily maintained and sharpened with ease, holding excellent edge retention that won't rust around water or wet expeditions out in the hinterlands! 

The handle is resin stabilised English Yew wood felled locally by myself. This has a special place for me as a Traditional Bowyer as yew was and still is the best wood for making the great war bow of the Medieval period. This does feel rather special in the hand. 

The shape of the knife is designed to give balance in the hand whislt in use and the perfect cutting edge and bevel angle for woodcraft. The edge of the knife has a gentle upsweep so the blade doesn't accelerate whilst in use for maximum control. The spine of the knife can be used as a cabinet scaper with its slightly beveled edge. Further to this the knife is full tang meaning the knive's steel runs all the way through to the bottom of the handle making the knife very strong indeed.

The pommel tang also extends beyond the pommel wood and is shaped to be either a scraper for making tinder from inner barks or a extra striking surface to protect the handle and main part of the blade from marks left over time from the fire striker. All these features make this an excellent and unique choice for a very traditional Frontiersman's knife thats durable, and will last a life time of use.